Wine Details
One of the things we most enjoy about having our own winery is the opportunity to taste all the different barrels of wine we make and consider how we can blend them to make the best wine possible. If you've ever had the chance to visit the winery and talk to one of us about barrels, you know that we can talk endlessly about the subject. While we were trying different possibilites for the 2002 Chardonnay, we started to get a little more creative than ususal. By the time we were done, we had a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Gris and Vidal Blanc. We thought we had come up with something pretty special so we had to give it a special name. We settled on Trillium, a three petal wildflower native to eastern North Amerca and particularly beloved by the people of Maine.
Varietal Definition
Chardonnay is by far the most widely planted grape crop in California and dominates California’s cooler, coastal, quality wine regions. The natural varietal ‘taste and smell’ of Chardonnay is surprisingly unfamiliar to many wine drinkers, as its true character is often guised with dominating winemaking signatures. Chardonnay’s rather subdued primary fruit characteristics lean toward the crisp fruitiness of apples, pears and lemon, but the variety’s full body is capable of supporting a host of complementary characteristics, such as oak, butter and vanilla. Regardless of what is the appropriate style for Chardonnay, the varietal continues to dominate vineyard plantings in every corner of the world. Close attention to clonal selection has made this broad geographic and climactic range of Chardonnay viable in thoughtful viticultural hands.
Vidal Blanc:
A white French hybrid once widely planted in the south of France, it is more suitable for growing in warm and humid climates like the South. These vines are prolific, producing large golden berries, suitable for eating out of hand as table grapes. When vinified, Villard Blanc makes a fruity, mildly intense white wine (somewhat Sauvignon Blanc like) of fairly neutral and simple flavors. Primarily used for blending.