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Chardonnay Wine Details
Price: $18.99 per bottle

Description: Sherwood House Vineyards 1999 Chardonnay is an estate-grown top quality wine, crafted in the Burgundian style from only the gentle first press, which produces juice with the highest aroma and intensity. The exceptionally dry, hot 1999 growing season was the best that Long Island's North Fork vineyards had experienced in nearly two decades. However, just as many growers were readying to reap its benefits, heavy rains, and Hurricane Floyd arrived. Much of this precious crop of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes was lost. The few North Fork vineyards that survived this natural disaster, like Sherwood House Vineyards, were blessed with grapes that had gained a remarkable finishing touch of maturity from the storms. You'll share the magic of the vineyards and this remarkable vintage year when you sip this elegant, well-balanced wine.

Varietal Definition
Chardonnay is by far the most widely planted grape crop in California and dominates California’s cooler, coastal, quality wine regions. The natural varietal ‘taste and smell’ of Chardonnay is surprisingly unfamiliar to many wine drinkers, as its true character is often guised with dominating winemaking signatures. Chardonnay’s rather subdued primary fruit characteristics lean toward the crisp fruitiness of apples, pears and lemon, but the variety’s full body is capable of supporting a host of complementary characteristics, such as oak, butter and vanilla. Regardless of what is the appropriate style for Chardonnay, the varietal continues to dominate vineyard plantings in every corner of the world. Close attention to clonal selection has made this broad geographic and climactic range of Chardonnay viable in thoughtful viticultural hands.
Pinot Noir:
The name is derived from the French words for ‘pine’ and ‘black’ alluding to the varietals' tightly clustered dark purple pine cone shaped bunches of fruit. Pinot Noir grapes are grown around the world, mostly in the cooler regions, but the grape is chiefly associated with the Burgundy region of France. It is widely considered to produce some of the finest wines in the world, but is a difficult variety to cultivate and transform into wine. By volume most Pinot Noir in America is grown in California with Oregon coming in second. Other regions are Washington State and New York.During 2004 and the beginning of 2005, Pinot Noir became considerably more popular amongst consumers in the United States, possibly because of the movie Sideways. Being lighter in style, it has benefited from a trend toward more restrained, less alcoholic wines. It is the delicate, subtle, complex and elegant nature of this wine that encourages growers and winemakers to cultivate this difficult grape. Robert Parker has described Pinot Noir: "When it's great, Pinot Noir produces the most complex, hedonistic, and remarkably thrilling red wine in the world."


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