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The Original American Character Vodka®

The Original American Character Vodka® Wine Details

Description: Our flagship spirit, named after the original word for the Ohio River Valley (“O-Why-O”), is a smooth, full-bodied vodka brimming with character. OYO is made from local soft red winter wheat, and demonstrates a perfect balance of cutting-edge technology, old-world traditions, and the finest farm-fresh ingredients. Sometimes referred to as a “whiskey-lover’s” vodka, OYO makes an excellent sipping spirit, and it’s a perfect pairing for mixers and culinary creations.

Varietal Definition
Vodka is one of the world's most popular distilled beverages. It is a clear liquid which consists of mostly water and ethanol purified by distillation — often multiple distillation — from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain (usually rye or wheat) or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances such as flavorings or unintended impurities.


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