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Grappa Wine Details

Description: Close Prev / Next pino blanc.jpg Grappa Grape skins freshly pressed from Brooklyn wines are gently steamed to coax out the earthy delight know as Grappa. While not everyone likes Grappa, for those that do, Van Brunt Stillhouse's Grappa is a delicacy. Last fall we worked with Lieb Cellars, Brooklyn Winery and Red Hook Winery to produce some very nice grappa. Currently, we are offering a delicate single varietal from Lieb Cellars made with their Pinot Blanc grape. This is a soft and gentle grappa. We also are offering, exclusively at Dry Dock, a very limited number of bottles of aged grappa from Merlot grapes which came from the Red Hook Winery 2 years ago. Last year, we set aside five gallons in an Hungarian Oak barrel. This is a serious treat for grappa lovers and there are very few bottles available.

Varietal Definition
Grappa is a fragrant grape-based pomace brandy of between 50% and 80% alcohol by volume (100 to 160 proof), of Italian origin. Literally "grape stalk", most grappa is made by distilling pomace, grape residue (mainly the skins, but also stems and seeds) left over from winemaking after pressing. It was originally made to prevent waste by using leftovers at the end of the wine season. It quickly became commercialised, mass-produced, and sold worldwide. Some grappa, known as prima uva, is made with the whole grapes. The flavour of grappa, like that of wine, depends on the type and quality of the grape used as well as the specifics of the distillation process.


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