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Moonshine Wine Details

Description: Moonshine, White Lightning, New Make Whiskey. 19th Century New York City produced more Moonshine that the entire south combined. From industrial scale operations in Chelsea to “mom and pop” stills in Vinegar Hill to Red Hook’s own streets, whiskey was once produced in large quantities in the City. The Stillhouse is working to revive this proud tradition. Our Moonshine is our unaged American Whiskey. The lack of oak brings forward all the grain flavors. While our Moonshine is not generally available yet, restaurants that would like to add us to the menu can discuss getting delivery of some of our white dog. Consumers can expect Moonshine in stores by the winter.

Varietal Definition
Corn Whiskey:
Corn whiskey is an American whiskey made from a mash made up of at least 80 percent corn (maize). The whiskey is distilled to not more than 40 percent alcohol by volume. It does not have to be aged but, if it is aged, it must be in new or used uncharred oak barrels. Aging usually is brief, i.e., six months. During aging the whiskey picks up color and flavor and its harshness is reduced.


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