Wine Details
A soft semi-sweet white with delicate vitis labrusca aroma derived from the blend of Catawba and Delaware plus some 2008 Vidal. Most often consumed as a summer sipper or with cheese or light desserts.
Varietal Definition
This was perhaps the earliest discovered native American grape, growing wild in Ohio and New York valleys, but it has since been surpassed by the Concord as the most widely planted native East Coast grape varietal. It primarily is used to make off-dry or sweet red wines, with a pronounced foxy (a unique aroma/flavor profile variously described as wild and musky) labrusca flavor. A number of producers also utilize this grape to make sparkling wine.
A native American hybrid grape variety used to make dry, sweet and sparkling white wines of good quality and mild "foxy" character. Commonly grown in the Eastern U.S. where it has considerable popularity when made into "ice-wine".
Vidal Blanc:
A white French hybrid once widely planted in the south of France, it is more suitable for growing in warm and humid climates like the South. These vines are prolific, producing large golden berries, suitable for eating out of hand as table grapes. When vinified, Villard Blanc makes a fruity, mildly intense white wine (somewhat Sauvignon Blanc like) of fairly neutral and simple flavors. Primarily used for blending.