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Baco Noir Old Vines Mason Place Vineyards Pultney Farms

Baco Noir Old Vines Mason Place Vineyards Pultney Farms Wine Details

Description: This wine comes from vines that are more than 60 yearsold. The berries are dark and ripe. The wine is all handmade, and unfiltered and unfined. It’s aged in French oak barrels. The major profile of this wine is it’s deep dark sour cherry flavor, with hints of plum and prune, and big whiffs of vanillan and fallen leaves. A medium palate wine, this is a soft approachable red that has become one of the sigature wines of the Hudson-Chatham stable. The wine has been featured in such places as the New York Cork Report, Beverage Media, the Fussy Little Blog, the Hudson Valley Wine Goddess, and many other places. Served in numerous restaurants from NYC to Albany. A classic red drawing quickly drawing an avid fan base.

Varietal Definition
Baco Noir:
BA french-american hybrid grape used to make an intense red wine regarded by some as a good substitute for Cabernet Sauvignon . Capable of aging, its origins trace to the Folle Blanche and a native American strain of grape. Extensively grown in the cool northern regions of N. America.


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