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Bear-Ass Brown

Bear-Ass Brown Wine Details

Description: Is an English-style mild brown ale. It features a rich brown color, yet has a surprisingly smooth flavor, lots of malt content and light hop usage. The Bear-Ass Brown is very true to style with a lacy white head. One notices its clean, crisp malt profile that pleasantly lingers in your mouth and ever-so-slight hints of chocolate, biscuit, and caramel can be detected. High noon is high time to sit down and enjoy one of these tasty session beers. Whether you need a little nerve calmer before you take on Red Mountain Pass, a little hydration before you hike a 14er, or just a beer before you get back on the train, this style will satisfy your needs without putting you over the edge.

Varietal Definition
English Style Brown Ale:
The precise definition of English Brown Ale would depend on where you are in England. It is nowadays much more closely associated with Northern England, specifically Tadcaster and Newcastle, home to Newcastle Brown Ale. These medium-bodied reddish-brown beers are malt accented with a nutty character, a gentle fruitiness, and low bitterness. Alcohol is moderate, a maximum of 5%ABV. The much less prevalent Southern English style, not seen abroad, is much darker in color, sweeter on the palate, and made in a lighter style.


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