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COMB Vodka

COMB Vodka Wine Details

Description: How we make COMB Vodka Most vodka is made with corn, wheat, or potatoes that is made into a “beer” and then distilled to extract the alcohol. While this can be a very efficient industrial process, not many people will find the taste of that “beer” to be very appealing. We believe that the vodka you produce is only as good as what goes into it. We start with an award winning process that makes a wonderfully light and dry honey wine that tastes great. Why honey? Honey is expensive, it’s hard to work with and fermenting it can be difficult. So, why do we use it? Honey, like different grapes for wine, can provide a large number of varietal options. Clover, wildflowers, raspberry, citrus, tulip poplar and tupelo are just a few of the nectar sources that bees use to make honey. Each one contributes its unique character and allows us to create a perfectly balanced spirit. The yeast do the work, we supervise We diligently manage the fermentation process to insure healthy and unstressed yeast that let the flavor and character of the honey come through. We get it right the first time We get concerned when we hear how many times vodka has been distilled. Four times, six times, nine times? Continued heating of the alcohol can introduce off flavors and have an adverse affect on the final product. We precisely and very gently distill the honey wine concentrate and then capture the essence of the wine and its character. Filtering? There is usually much talk about how many times vodka is filtered or how it’s filtered with some exotic mineral. We don’t to any of that. Filtering is usually used to fix mistakes and strip out flavors. COMB is pure and flavorful and requires no filtering.

Varietal Definition
Vodka is one of the world's most popular distilled beverages. It is a clear liquid which consists of mostly water and ethanol purified by distillation — often multiple distillation — from a fermented substance such as potatoes, grain (usually rye or wheat) or sugar beet molasses, and an insignificant amount of other substances such as flavorings or unintended impurities.


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