Wine Details
Our Barley Wine is dark red in color and has an original gravity of 1.120 (24 Plato). The malt complexity of this classic ale style is incredible.
The Broad Street Market is located just blocks from the Appalachian Brewing Company. This indoor farmers market was built in 1863 and is one of the oldest continuously operating farmers markets in the United States. The beautiful brick façade and natural wood doors are typical of the structures in Downtown Harrisburg; including our own building.
Varietal Definition
Barley Wine:
"Barley wine" is the evocative name coined by British brewers to describe an extremely potent ale that can range from golden copper to dark brown in color. They are characterized by extravagant caramel malt flavors and bittering hops that prevent the malt sweetness from cloying. Rich and viscous, they can have in their most complex manifestations winey flavor profiles, with a hint of sweetness. Some examples are vintage dated and can improve with extended bottle age.