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Sunbru Kölsch Style Ale

Sunbru Kölsch Style Ale Wine Details

Description: A very light golden ale that is malty sweet, almost honey-like in the nose. This ale has a light to medium body and a very delicate flavor. Easy drinking, it has very low bitterness and a soft dry finish. 5.2% alcohol/volume. This style originates from the city of Cologne, Germany where all twenty eight breweries are dedicated to brewing only Kölsch. Coming soon in cans. (ALWAYS ON TAP!!)

Varietal Definition
Kölsch is an appellation for a beer style originally brewed in the Köln area before the lagering revolution. Again, like an Altbier or Steam beer, it is warm fermented and then aged at cold temperatures. Kölsch is characterized by a golden color and slightly dry, winey and subtly sweet palate. This style should have a light body, with a low hop flavor and aroma with medium bitterness.


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