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Colony Oatmeal Stout

Colony Oatmeal Stout Wine Details

Description: Colony Oatmeal Stout Colony Oatmeal Stout used to be just a winter seasonal brew when it first was introduced back in 1996. But since then popular demand has made it into an all year affair. The 'oatmeal' in the name is due the 10% oatmeal in the the grist of this brew. Oats give beer a real thick mouthfeel, something definitely desirable in a stout! But the real secret is in our lager yeast. Most stouts are made using ale yeast, but we wanted ours to be a smooth as our lagers! Black malt and roasted barley give the beer its color, and coffee-like flavors. If you like thick full-bodied stout, this beer is for you! We now only make the Stout in the colder months, because that is when it is the most popular. In the winter, you'll find it in stores in its own 'stout' packaging.

Varietal Definition
Oatmeal Stout:
This brew is a variation of sweet stout which has a small proportion of oats used in place of roasted malt, which has the effect of enhancing body and mouthfeel. They were originally brewed by the British in the earlier part of this century, when stouts were thought of as a nutritious part of an everyday diet.


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