Wine Details
$15.99 per bottle
French Colombard is a grape that has been long neglected in the United States. It is well known in France for another reason in that the French Colombard grape is ordinarily used and classically used to make cognac. If you are a cognac drinker, you will recognize a familiar taste. This 2007 French Colombard is made in a Bone Dry style, virtually no sugar, the acids are extremely low, it is very fruity, very light, and very clean on the palate. This wine was fermented and allowed to go completely through fermentation without any sugar being left in the wine. No one else in Texas makes this wine. It has become extremely popular. We receommend it for a party wine or an anytime wine. Best served chilled (38 degrees F.) This is a light delicious, flowery, bone dry white.
Varietal Definition
Better known as French Colombard in North America. Acidic grape crushed by some northern Californian producers and made into a fruity white wine of simple character in both dry and sweet versions. Mainly grown in California to provide acidic backbone for white "jug" wine blends. Still grown in France where it is used for white wine blends known as "Bordeaux Blanc" and is also used for distilling into brandy. Also widely grown in South Africa.