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Sawtooth Ale

Sawtooth Ale Wine Details

Description: Lewis and Clark's 1805-1806 expedition took them past the many creeks that flow into the Bitterroot, among them the Sawtooth Creek. Bitter Root Brewing's blonde ale is made from the finest pale malt and hops available. The addition of malted rye and wheat give this beer a crisp, dry flavor. It's a national medal winner, and a year round favorite.

Varietal Definition
Ale is beer that is brewed using only top-fermenting yeasts, and is typically fermented at higher temperatures than lager beer (15–23°C, 60–75°F). At these temperatures, ale yeasts produce significant amounts of esters and other secondary flavours and aromas, often resembling those of apple, pear, pineapple, grass, hay, banana, plum or prune.


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