Wine Details
Allagash Dubbel boasts a dark mahogany color with ruby hues and a complex malty taste. The finish is dry with subtle hints of chocolate and nuts. With time, Allagash Dubbel will mature in the bottle and acquire distinctive port and sherry characteristics.
Varietal Definition
Abbey Ale:
A fruity, strong ale made by secular brewers in Belgium and based on the products of the Trappist abbeys. Abbey beers began to appear shortly after the Second World War, when secular breweries took commercial advantage of the true cultural heritage of Belgium's monastery brewing traditions, and the growing success of Trappist beers. Some Abbey beers were made by genuine monasteries until the early 20th century, such as Affligem Abbey, who brewed until the First World War, and whose name now appears on beers made by the Heineken owned Affligem Brewery. Abbey beers are not a fixed style, but will tend to be a brune (a Belgian brown ale, sometimes termed dubbel), a strong pale ale or tripel, and a blonde ale or blond.