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North Carolina Hard Cider

North Carolina Hard Cider Wine Details
Price: $12.00 per bottle

Description: The first hard cider produced from North Carolina heritage apples. Our sparkling cider is a blend of Limbertwig, Black Limbertwig and other hand-selected heirloom cider apples. The apples were picked at the peak of freshness from the orchard in the Brushy Mountains of Wilkes County.

Varietal Definition
Draft Cider:
Cider is made from fermented apple juice. As with wine, the character and quality of the resulting product will bear heavily on the variety and quality of the fruit used. The cooler climate of Vermont is well suited to high quality apple production, and produces a sizeable amount of quality sparkling hard cider. The finest ciders in North America may well emanate from the province of Quebec in Canada, which has an established artisinal cider industry with historical ties to Normandy cider.


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