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Range Rider Red

Range Rider Red Wine Details
Price: $15.00 per bottle

Description: Finger Lakes International Wine Competition, New York, 2006, Bronze Medal. We’ve blended our estate-grown Maréchal Foche, Frontenac and St. Croix grapes to make a zesty, dry Montana wine with a fresh berry nose and full-bodied taste. Hand-picked whole clusters of grapes were packed tightly in tanks for two weeks—classic Burgundian carbonic maceration—to reduce acid and present complex fruit flavors. Lightly oaked, Range Rider Red complements a wide range of food from spanakopita to BBQ. No sulfites added

Varietal Definition
Frontenac’s overall viticultural performance and excellent wine quality are directly responsible for its success in Minnesota, where more of its vines are growing than any other variety. This recently released red wine grape from the University of Minnesota is a cross of Landot 4511 and Vitis Riparia. The vine’s chief advantage is its extremely vigorous and productive nature.
Marechal Foch:
A french-american hybrid grape, with french Alsace Gamay origins, noted for producing deeply colored and strongly varietal wines considered by some to have a "Burgundian" character. Also known under the name Foch.
St. Croix:
St. Croix is the one red wine variety that Elmer Swenson has released to date. It is similar to his white variety, Kay Gray, in that it is hardy, low acid and disease-resistant.


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