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Johannisberg Riesling

Johannisberg Riesling Wine Details
Price: $14.99 per bottle

Description: This semi-sweet wine is made in the style of the famous “halbtrocken” Rieslings of Germany’s Rhein and Mosel Valleys. We recommend it with Asian food, poultry and game. It goes especially well with pheasant. Serve slightly chilled.

Varietal Definition
Johannisberg Riesling:
A white-wine variety widely grown along the Rhine river and tributaries - (e.g: Rheingau, Rheinhessen, Mosel, Nahe regions etc.) - in Germany and also in other temperate regions of Europe. It is also grown in N. America, where it can produce a flowery, fruity dry wine with high acid and low alcohol not unlike the german "Kabinett" version or a semi-dry style with some residual sugar similar to the german "Spatlese" version. If infected with appropriate amounts of "botrytis", it can make outstanding late-harvest wines - (e.g: comparable to the german "Auslese" series). The Finger Lakes region of New York state in the U.S. produces excellent versions in the Mosel style and the North-West coast of N. America seems to have the right conditions for creating the richer, earthier Rheinhessen taste, as do the cooler regions of California. Australia now produces excellent versions of the dry, crisp Alsation-style, as well as fruitier semi-sweet Mosel-type wines, as has New Zealand in recent years.


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