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Mattia, Wine Details
Price: $28.00 per bottle

Description: Chrystal and Steve have an “adopted” family in the Friuli region of Italy, the Scarbolos, who are very much a part of their lives. When Steve and Chrystal were married in Friuli last year, they were presented with a wedding wine made for them by Joe Bastianich and Valter Scarbolo - a harmonious blend of Refosco, Cabernet Franc and Merlot. Continuing the family connection, each year the Scarbolo’s son Mattia comes to stay with the Cliftons during the summer, learning about California and Palmina’s winemaking. When Chrystal and Steve decided to introduce a Palmina version of their wedding wine, they also wanted to honor the Scarbolos by naming the wine Mattia. An intense ruby color with glints of garnet first delights the eye. There are spicy, white peppery notes, and then hints of herbs d’provence or bouquet garni on the nose. The aromatics are lingering and are then echoed on the palate. This wine is a true spice garden, complemented by a beautiful tannic structure and a velvety texture. Lavendar and deep rose petal notes linger with dark, concentrated fruit, raspberry, hints of anise and dusty currants. There is a nuance of dark chocolate truffle on the long, pleasant finish.

Varietal Definition
Ancient native grape grown in Friuli-Venezia-Giuia region of Italy. Made into what is often considered to be a robust, very intense red wine with moderate complexity that can match the heartiest meal course. According to Pliny the Elder the favorite wine of Livia, second wife of Augustus Caesar, was created from this grape. Limited plantings are also to be found in the cooler coastal regions of California. Some think the Mondeuse of the Savoie region of France is identical.
Merlot is known as a Noble Bordeaux varietal. Although it came to France in the first century, it was not named until the 1880s. Merlot was originally used only for blending, as it is soft and compliant, very useful in softening other Bordeaux wines like Cabernets. Recently in California and Chile it became popular as a 100% varietal wine. Merlot tends to be easier to grow in a variety of soil conditions and is harvested earlier in the year than Cabernet. Although most Merlots are made to be drunk earlier, there are many with complexities of a Cabernet. Flavors of plum, black cherry, violet, chocolate and orange pair well with rich, red pasta dishes, hearty chicken dishes, and any beef combination that you fancy. The perfect match of course is chocolate. Not only does the chocolate compliment the wine and vice-versa, but the essence of both flavors linger eternally.
Cabernet Franc:
Cabernet Franc is an accessible, spicy, herbal, dark blue grape variety that is often compared to Cabernet Sauvignon. Cabernet Franc tends to be softer and has less tannin than Cabernet Sauvignon, although the two can be difficult to distinguish. Sometimes the French refer to Cabernets, which could mean either of the two grapes. Its typical aromas include an herbaceous and pronounced peppery nose, even in ripe fruit, and something eerily like tobacco. The Cabernet Franc ripens at an earlier stage, which gives it reason to exist in the Bordeaux area. In the Loire, where we find it a lot, it gives a clear red fresh and fruity wine.


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