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Malvasia Bianca,

Malvasia Bianca, Wine Details

Description: The first impression is visual – this wine looks like liquid 14K gold – a newly placed wedding ring! The aromatics are sensual – nectar, ripe apricots, jasmine, white flowers and lycees. In a word, the wine is “fragrant”. A hint of surprise is evident on the first taste – this is an elegant, dry wine that has honeyed characteristics and a silky texture. A bit of nuttiness is complemented by flavors of spun clover honey, with a hint of pear with allspice. The finish is l-o-n-g and lingering and rich. It needs a long, lingering meal for its full potential! No doubt about it – this is a sexy wine.

Varietal Definition
Semi-classic grape cepage of ancient, probably Greek, origin. Widely grown in Italy as distinctive area sub-varieties, such as Malvasia di Candia, Malvasia Istriana etc. Used to produce dry and sweet white, and light red, wines with high alcohol content and residual sugar. Also widely grown in Portugal and the island of Madeira where the important wine-name Malmsey is an English word corruption of Malvasia.


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