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Cuvée Madeleine

Cuvée Madeleine Wine Details
Price: $14.90 per bottle

Description: The Madeleine Angevine vine has the rare attribute of being almost totally "female" which means that, unlike other vines, it is not self-pollinating but must be planted near to other varieties in order to be fruitful.

Varietal Definition
Madeleine Angevine:
Also known as Madeline Angevine or MADELEINE ANGEVINE. Cool region table grape cross used for Riesling-type white table wine production in the United Kingdom and Germany. It is a cross between Madeleine Royale and Précoce de Malingre. Not only is it a widely grown variety in its own right but has claim to fame as one of the parents of the Siegerrebe and Comtessa varieties. It grows well in cool climates and is known for producing light white wines with citrus and herb flavors.


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