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Limited ion Chardonnay

Limited Selection Chardonnay Wine Details
Price: $28.00 per bottle

Description: What does one expect when they drink a bottle of California Chardonnay? A little fruit, a little oak and a little butter? And some Chardonnays are exactly that - a recipe with a little of this and a little of that. But what if all those elements were crafted from fine grapes into a wine that balanced those three components in a unique fashion that left a lasting pleasurable impression? Enter Gainey 2001 Limited Selection Chardonnay. Simply pulling the cork on the bottle releases a perfume into the room even before the wine is poured. Aromatically stuffed with scents of creme brulee, pear clafouti, cinnamon, and the distinctive Santa Rita Hills minerality, this wine has much to offer. Subtle French Oak shadings add weight and complexity. In the mouth the wine is voluminous. Flavors of citrus, peach and pear compote for center stage. Toasted bread makes an appearance, but in no way upstages the lead characters. Texturally the wine is creamy, but bright at the same time. The refreshing acidity keeps the wine lively and cleanses the palate. A lingering fruit sweetness rounds out the package.

Varietal Definition
Chardonnay is by far the most widely planted grape crop in California and dominates California’s cooler, coastal, quality wine regions. The natural varietal ‘taste and smell’ of Chardonnay is surprisingly unfamiliar to many wine drinkers, as its true character is often guised with dominating winemaking signatures. Chardonnay’s rather subdued primary fruit characteristics lean toward the crisp fruitiness of apples, pears and lemon, but the variety’s full body is capable of supporting a host of complementary characteristics, such as oak, butter and vanilla. Regardless of what is the appropriate style for Chardonnay, the varietal continues to dominate vineyard plantings in every corner of the world. Close attention to clonal selection has made this broad geographic and climactic range of Chardonnay viable in thoughtful viticultural hands.


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