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Tocai Friulano, Bien Nacido Vineyard, Santa Maria Valley,

Tocai Friulano, Bien Nacido Vineyard, Santa Maria Valley, Wine Details

Description: From the most popularly planted grape from the Friuli region of northeastern Italy, this delicate white exhibits a nose that blends sweet amaretto and honeyed aromas with lychee nut and citrus blossoms. On the palate distinct flavors of white peach blend with meyer lemon and blood orange. The balance provides a very clean and pleasing, lemon curd finish.

Varietal Definition
Tocai Friulano:
Widely grown in the Fruili region of Italy. Also to be found in Argentina. Thought to be identical with the Sauvignon Vert grape grown in Chile. Used to produce lightbodied white wines with flowery and nut-like flavors and should be drunk when young.


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