Wine Details
The first Bin 214 was the mystery wine from the 1997 harvest. During crush a picking bin of Cabernet Sauvignon had the number 214 but no vineyard name. The grapes were outstanding with a brix of 26.5°. They were used to make our first late harvest Cabernet Sauvignon - all 96 cases. Later, it was discovered the grapes had come from Hoss and LaVerne Newsom's Vineyard on county road 214. We lost Hoss in 2000 - the Switzer family lost a good friend and supporter - the Texas wine industry lost a pioneer and an innovator. This wine is dedicated to Hoss Newsom. In 2001, we finally found that exceptional bin of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes - we think he would approve. In keeping with tradition, we will not disclose what vineyard these grapes came from - only we and Hoss will know.
Varietal Definition
Cabernet Sauvignon:
Cabernet Sauvignon is the most widely planted and significant among the five dominant varieties in France’s Bordeaux region, as well as the most successful red wine produced in California. Though it was thought to be an ancient variety, recent genetic studies at U.C. Davis have determined that Cabernet Sauvignon is actually the hybrid offspring of Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Franc. Cabernet Sauvignon berries are small with black, thick and very tough skin. This toughness makes the grapes fairly resistant to disease and spoilage and able to withstand some autumn rains with little or no damage. It is a mid to late season ripener. These growth characteristics, along with its flavor appeal have made Cabernet Sauvignon one of the most popular red wine varieties worldwide.