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Hillside Blossoms

Hillside Blossoms Wine Details
Price: $8.00 per bottle

Description: Our estate-grown Hillside Blossoms is grown on the hillside overlooking the Wisconsin River at our vineyard in Prairie du Sac. The varietals used, Lacrosse and St. Pepin, are two American hybrids that can take the Wisconsin winters. Hillside Blossoms is a semi-dry wine with a touch of sweetness and hints of tropical fruit. The wine is vinified in a Vidal style with Foch grapes added at crushing time to "blush it up."

Varietal Definition
St. Pepin:
St. Pepin is a sister seedling of LaCrosse, which was also developed by Elmer Swenson. However, the similarly cold-hardy St. Pepin is a fruitier and earlier-ripening grape, which makes one of the best white wines in Minnesota. It is also used for juice. The grape is being grown experimentally in South Dakota and in other cold winter states. The vine has average susceptibility to Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, and Black Rot.


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