
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Zwei Brüder Brewing

Zwei Brüder Brewing The inspiration (to again quote Picasso, “good artists borrow, great artist steal”) of our concept came while traveling through the Czech Republic and Southern Germany a couple years ago. We visited many great breweries large and small. One thing that fascinated us was, several of the smaller breweries and particularly the home brewers in the Czech Republic were not only brewing the traditional beer(s) of the region but that they were also intrigued by and foraying to American and British styles as well. This concept was portrayed in full glory at the not so little Brauerei Sch?nram, where not only did I experience regional styles, but also got to try some of Mr. Toft’s forays into American styles. We would like to model ourselves in this fashion by producing traditional German styles and flying sorties into American and Belgian styles.


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4612 S Mason Street, Fort Collins, CO, US, 80525 Email:
Phone: 707-963-1744 Web:
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