
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Backswing Brewing Company

Backswing Brewing Company Golfers have worked on perfecting the proper technique for hundreds of years. But we think it’s much simpler than that. All you need for a great backswing is a pint glass. Like many great ideas, Backswing Brewing Company began on a golf course. There were three of us. We loved golf and, of course, beer. But then life started to do what it does: We all got older, married and had kids. Before we knew it, we weren’t out on the golf course as much. So we did something that allowed us to hang out like the old days, but at home with our families. We started brewing a golf-themed beer. A new kind of awesome! After brewing our first IPA, we realized we had something special on our hands. So instead of keeping it to ourselves, we knew we had to share it—and whatever else we created—with the world.


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N500 W South Street, Lincoln, NE, US, 68522 Email:
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