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Bookshelf Wines

Bookshelf Wines After a few chapters and editions, our hobby garagiste wine making has now become that page-turner known as Bookshelf Wines. We are Niles and Sheila Fleege. We followed career and military opportunities to California and stayed here for several reasons including the weather and the wines! Niles hails from the small town of Galena, Illinois. He had an idyllic small Midwest town upbringing riding bikes all over town in summer, playing baseball, and playing golf with his dad and friends. Sheila Dupuis was born and raised on a dairy farm in south Louisiana's Cajun country. Surrounded by lots of French speaking family, she learned the value of hard work and good Cajun food. Always a "kitchen experimenter", she had a passion for smashing, mixing, measuring, and adding "un petite peu de cie et un petite peu de ca" (Cajun French for just a little bit of this and a little bit of that) just like her grandmother, mother and older sisters did while cooking. That experimentation continued as she tried her hand at award winning home made wines and later completed the UC Davis Extension Wine Making Program. In 2015, they partnered with Dominic Mantei as consulting winemaker. Dominic has won, and continued to win, many winemaking awards. We source our pinot noir grapes from Vinehill Vineyard in Georgetown, California and co-op farm the vineyard which is at 2750 ft. elevation. Vinehill has been producing award winning pinot noir grapes for 30+ years and is one of the few vineyards that can produce pinot noir in the Sierra Foothills due to its altitude and north facing slopes. Contact us for event schedule, tours, and special pricing.


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1590 Carson Road, Placerville, CA, US, 95667 Email:
Phone: 530-642-8409 Web:
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