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Tall Tales Brewing Co

Tall Tales Brewing Co We are a small, premium brewery based in Parsonsburg, MD. It is with pride that our brews are themed on folk lore. Tall Tales have been told for years, stories of real and fictitious people who do unbelievable and amazing things. These stories have become part of our culture and heritage. The legends of Paul Bunyan, Blue Ox, Calamity Jane, John Henry, Red Headed Step Child, Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill and Excalibur. These are just a few of the legendary stories that have been told over the years. Stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. Our brewers have carefully developed beers that would be worthy of each legendary tall tale. These brews appeal to many different tastes. We are certain you will find something to delight your palette!


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6929 Heron Grove Ct, Parsonsburg, MD, US, 21849 Email:
Phone: 410-341-9500 Web:
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