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Chateau Renaissance Wine Cellars

Chateau Renaissance Wine Cellars Keuka Lake's newest winery emphasizes a French and Italian winemaking style. Bottle-fermented white, blush, red and fruit flavored sparkling wines are handcrafted using a 500 year-old family recipe. Table wines range from bone dry to sweet and include vinifera, hybrids and native grapes. 100% fruit wines from regional fruits include cranberry, plum, apple, pear and dandelion.

We are at the southern end of Keuka Lake, 2 miles south of Hammondsport, and 6 miles north of Bath on Route 54. We will soon have an entranceway directly in from Rte. 54, but for now, it's in and out from Hatchery Road... Turn off Rte. 54 between the CITGO gas station and the PINK INN (Pleasant Valley Inn). There is only one way to turn. Make a hairpin turn onto Hatchery Road. We are the second driveway (on your left).

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7494 Hatchery Road, Hammondsport, NY, US, 14840 Email:
Phone: 607-569-3609 Web:
Fax: 607-569-3758
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Very delicate, light apricot flavor.
Medium Dry, 1.2% R.S. Fruity red blend. Goes well with light seafood and cheeses.
Dry, 0.4% R.S. Red meritage. Excellent with red meats and cheeses.
  Basset Blush
Medium. 3% R.S. Grapefruit and rose flavors. Serve with cold salads, fresh fruits, and cheeses.
  Basset Blush
Medium. 3% R.S. Grapefruit and rose flavors. Serve with cold salads, fresh fruits, and cheeses.
Great with chocolate cake.
  Blackberry Sparkle
Fresh picked backyard blackberry wine in our Rouge Champagne makes one of our most unique, flavorful, but seasonal Fruit Sparkles. Get it while you can! Serve by itself or with all sorts of chocolate desserts.
Medium dry, 1.0% R.S. Pear, and citrus flavors. Serve with mild cheeses and cold salads
  Cellar Master Cream Sherry
16% abv. Smooth, warming, nutty taste. Solar aged for three years.
  Champagne Brut
Dry and creamy.S erve with lobster and seafoods.
  Champagne Demi Sec
Medium sweet. Serve with light meats or fresh fruit salads.
  Champagne Doux
Sweet. Serve with pastries.
  Champagne Naturel
Driest of our champagnes. The natural unsweetened cuvee. Match it with any foods.
  Champagne Rouge
A DeMay family tradition from France. Serve with meats and chocolates.
Dry, full-bodied white. 0.2% R.S. Smooth, citrus flavors but low acid taste. Serve with light seafood and shellfish.
Tastes like freshly picked cherries!.
  Constance Port
19% abv. Our Constance Port is a warming fortified wine. A ruby style port at 19% alcohol by volume.
Serve with turkey and poultry.
  Cranberry Sparkle
A sweet and tart holiday favorite that has more demand than we can supply at Thanksgiving time. Serve with turkey, poultry, and wild game. Deeeelicious!
Serve with a fresh green salad.
Sweet. 5.8% R.S. Tastes like it was just freshly picked! Wonderful with Swiss cheese.
Dry, full-bodied red. 0.2% R.S. Smooth, low tannin taste. Will age well and because of the spontaneous wild yeast fermentation, reach it's peak in 5 to 20 years, if you have the patience, but it is great right now! Try with grilled salmon, fresh tuna, or swordfish. Serve also with red meat and cheese.
Great with all sweeter foods, or by itself.
Serve with ham and pork.
  Peach Sparkle
Medium sweet. Serve this wonderful peach aroma with ham or peach melba and pastries.
  Pear Sparkle
Driest of our Fruit Sparkles. Medium sweetness. Serve with mild cheeses such as Brie en Crout.
Medium sweet red. 3.5% R.S. Fruity, serve by itself or with pizza.
  Raspberry Sparkle
Sweet. Serve with fresh fruits, pastries, and chocolate desserts.
  Red Raspberry
Intense raspberry nose and flavor. Great with chocolate.
Surprisingly floral. Not tart. Serve with fruits.
  Seyval Blanc
Dry, 0.4% R.S. Citrusy, creamy, deeply complex low acid flavor. Wonderful with light meats and fish.
Serve with chocolate truffles or butter cookies.


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