
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Rack & Cloth Mercantile

Rack & Cloth Mercantile Named for the style of cider press we use to produce all of our juice, Rack & Cloth was founded in 2012 by Silas Bleakley in Mosier, OR. Use of a small press allows for the attention to detail–including hand-sorting of fruit–that we believe is essential to creating a high quality artisanal beverage. The cidery operates as a component of a larger vision: a small but diverse farming operation. Creating a system wherein we can showcase our agricultural products while increasing tilth and feeding our farm is a guiding principle of Rack & Cloth. All the apple pomace byproduct from our pressing is used as feed for our livestock; they in turn fertilize our orchard. Happy animals make for happy trees, and good fruit makes good cider.


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1104 First Avenue, Mosier, OR, US, 97040 Email:
Phone: 541-965-1457 Web:
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