Brass Foundry Brewing Co.
We believe that quality plus distinction and education equals value in our beers. Regardless of whether our beers are higher or lower in ABV or crisper in taste, we hold ourselves to a standard that all are fully flavored. We don’t compete on price, and we don’t make use of inexpensive ingredients to achieve a lower price. We compete on quality and value. We don’t let the “money tail” wag the dog in our beer creations. We believe in giving back to our community, the very same one you, and we live in. Yes, we’re sometimes a little irreverent and we are definitely not afraid to color outside the lines. But neither are you. You see, we’re not bigger, faster and cheaper. We’re smaller, slower and better. We like it this way. We make all of our beers for you. They’re yours. Enjoy.
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