
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Flounder Brewing

Flounder Brewing We're about keeping it simple...keeping it real. We're about family, relaxing and just letting it all go. It's about hanging out with good friends, awesome family and even the cool neighbors that you don't really know. It's about savoring those small moments and enjoying life. What's our hope? It's that every time you crack open our beer; you'll have a good time, take a moment for yourself and enjoy the people around you. We are proud to brew in New Jersey even if it is at our exceptionally small nano scale, we love calling this our home and hope to see you over near us in Somerset County someday. Each and every time you have a Flounder Brewing ale, lift your glass, soak it all in, and experience your beer(TM)!


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1 Ilene Court, Hillsborough, NJ, US, 08844 Email:
Phone: 908-396-6166 Web:
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