
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

MannCave Distilling

MannCave Distilling SpikeWorld has been building MannCave Distilling since late 2016, as a result of the prompting of friends and co-workers. Since starting Stephen and Wendy have put over 2.5 million dollars into the project consisting of the development of 3 artesian springs, the building, pot still, equipment and interior build out. Water and gas come from the property onsite. The property has been in the Mann family since the 1960’s and Stephen has always wanted to find a suitable use for the amazing water there, That use will be to make the best spirits and whiskey available.


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851 Left Millstone Road, Weston, WV, US, 26452 Email:
Phone: 681-533-1001 Web:
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