
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Two-Shy Brewing

Two-Shy Brewing Two-Shy Brewing started innocently-enough like many other breweries have: somebody started brewing beer in a garage and it was pretty tasty! After some trial and error and many successes, things did as they generally do-- they got better. Our passion for beer and excellence grew, and continues to grow. Our lineup of great beer is the product of innovation, cameraderie, a love of malt, hops and yeast, with tons of hard work mixed in. It's our hope that you'll enjoy Two-Shy's craft as much as we enjoy crafting it.


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Address Web Social
1308 NW Park Street, Roseburg, OR, US, 97470 Email:
Phone: 541-236-2055 Web:
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