
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Farmacy Brewing

Farmacy Brewing Our roots dig deep here on Willowdale Farm. Multiple generations have worked harder, giving more, digging deeper to create something completely unique. Our brewery and tasting room are centrally located on the property; you are immersed in this setting, witnessing everything we do on the farm. We grow a variety of crops, each playing an indispensable role in each element that makes up the farm. Diverse agricultural operations are holistically managed, working together to become greater than their individual components. Horses, cattle, row crops, hay & pasture, gardens, orchards, and woodland intertwine throughout our brewery, equine, livestock, and crop operations. When you visit us, we strive to make sure that you have an unforgettable experience, while feeling comfortable, like a part of our farm family.


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3100 Black Rock Road, Reisterstown, MD, US, 21136 Email:
Phone: 410-935-2551 Web:
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