
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Bullfinch Brewery

Bullfinch Brewery Bullfinch has been brewing in the mind of our master brewer for over 10 years. Now those dreams have become reality and we look forward to having you see and taste what we have built! At Bullfinch we always have several beers on tap. We brew several gold standard beers like our Czech Pilsner and Hefeweizen, but the mind of a brewer never stops creating! Seasonal beers are here as well like our Rainbow sherbet Sour and the decadent Coffee and chocolate stout spiked with some salted caramel. To match with the genius of our master brewer we have brought in a top level chef to create a menu that will satiate the desires of the most demanding palate. Chef has prepared a menu with all year round favorites and some seasonal specials that will pair perfectly with our brewed offerings.


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306 Hiawatha Blvd, Syracuse, NY, US, 13204 Email:
Phone: 315-217-5535 Web:
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