Conway Family Wines
Conway Family Wines is based in Santa Barbara County, where much of the land that is planted to grapevines is located twenty miles or less from the Pacific Ocean. Coastal air is cooler than inland regions, and the geology of the land in Santa Barbara County lends itself to trapping cool air and moisture in the valleys. Grapes grown in these areas are positively impacted by what we call the “ocean effect”. This effect allows the grapes we use for Deep Sea to ripen over a longer period of time. The slow, steady development of this fruit leads to the perfect balance we look for when measuring sugar, acidity, and maturity of flavors that signify it is time to harvest. This is a good thing, because wines from our area are known for having great balance, bright acidity, and of course beautiful California fruit. We strive to capture all of those elements in our Deep Sea wines.
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