
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Vinoteca Winery

Vinoteca Winery What's in a name? Everything. Vinoteca, the word vintners Giovanni and Rosanna Follegot coined by fusing the Italian "Vino" (wine) with "Teca" (a chest for special treasures) is more than just a nifty title for a winery; it conveys the spirit and sincerity by which this successful family run their business. In 1989, Vinoteca was founded as the first Greater Toronto Area Winery. In 1992, the Follegots purchased vineyards in the Vineland area in order to establish a sustainable production of vinifera grapes for the renowned VQA wines, and supplemented them with imported grapes from Giovanni's own Italian vineyard. A visit to the well-stocked winery store is a must. Open year-round with complimentary bar, gift items, as well as special releases and older vintages for the wine lovers in search of unique and characteristic products.


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527 Jevlan Drive, Woodbridge, ON, CA, L4L 8W1 Email:
Phone: 905-856-5700 Web:
Fax: 905-856-8208
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