
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Council Rock Brewery

Council Rock Brewery How do I make beer? “I make beers inspired by a memory, atmosphere and feeling. The Scotch Ale was inspired by a trip to Belgium to see my daughter. To me, it tastes like sitting in Delirium Café in Brussels after an entire day of touring breweries and cathedrals with Emily.” “Or I’ve made beers based on a specific flavor or style, and build the recipe with that in mind, knowing exactly how I believe it should taste. I choose ingredients that bring out the notes I want. Some recipes are complicated, while others are simple. My simpler recipes attain complexity from special brewing techniques. They are all multi-dimensional in taste regardless of their recipe.” “Regardless of the style or flavor, I only use the best ingredients available and never skimp on them. It’s a must!” And if you ask my right hand man Chris what our philosophy of brewing is: “Clean, clean, clean, clean and clean some more!” Roger Davidson


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4861 State Highway 28, Cooperstown, NY, US, 13326 Email:
Phone: 607-643-3016 Web:
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