Storz Brewing Company
More than 40 years ago, a Nebraska brewing tradition faded. A century of craftsmanship ended when the Storz Brewing Company quelled its flames, emptied its tanks and the great smoke stack went silent.
The beer was gone, but not forgotten.
The Storz Brewing Company is back, building on the legacy of this Nebraska staple. Honoring the rich heritage of our founders, the new Storz Brewing Company picks up the mantle and carries it forward.
Our future is built on the past. Taking more than 150 years of brewing experience, rooted in family and tradition, we are crafting beers geared toward today’s seasoned palates.
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Gold Crest Amber Ale
A full-bodied amber, the name of this beer pays homage to the award-winning show horses bred by the Storz family. Flavorful and savory, trot this brew out on any occasion.
From the copper-gold hue to the Caramel malt, this savory, sweet beer is second to none. Our founder made it a winner; we made it gold.
Mugs Pale Ale
This all-American pale ale is named after the legendary gun dog of Gottlieb Storz. Inspired by Mugs, a stunning Chesapeake Bay Retriver, this beer is brewed to be an ideal example of what a pale ale should be. Smooth and aromatic with a burst of hops that finishes clean.
There’s no question that this unique brew aims to please. If a dog is man’s best friend, surely this is a man’s best beer.
Triumph Lager
Drink up and try the beer that made Storz famous like you’ve never tasted it before. Golden. Crisp. Refreshing as the whole outdoors.
Wood Duck Wheat
If you’re going to craft a wheat ale, you invite Cascade Hops to the party. Hitting the tongue with a silky smooth texture, Wood Duck Unfiltered Wheat flushes the soft citrus and floral flavors you expect from wheat beers.
We wanted to make a wheat beer stand out. Wood Duck Wheat does just that. It’s not a coincidence this brew is at home at the lodge, the blind, or your neighborhood bar.
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