
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Pale Horse Brewing Company

Pale Horse Brewing Company Founded in September of 2007, Pale Horse Brewing first began our equipment assembly in March 2008 here in Salem, OR. In October of 2008 we brewed our very first commercial batch of beer, the homebrew award winning Hillbilly Blonde, and our first keg was sold in January 2009 to the local (now defunct) Big Shots Bar in Salem, OR. Today we offer a variety of incredible beers through a range of local and big name stores and bars from Portland to Corvallis. The future holds promise as our hand-crafted brew selection grows, serenading the taste buds of our growing fan base in the microbrew heaven that is the Pacific Northwest.


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2361 Hyacinth Street NE, Salem, OR, US, 97303 Email:
Phone: 503-585-4369 Web:
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