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Florida Caribbean Distillers

Florida Caribbean Distillers FCD is an innovative drinks company with an expertise in rum and an outstanding collection of brands that meet the consumption needs of today’s beverage alcohol consumer. Florida Distillers is the premier producer of Florida Rum. We currently produce this product at 188 proof and resell it to a variety of bottlers throughout the World. We produce citrus neutral spirits, citrus brandy, cane neutral spirits, and rum at our facility. We also produce and sell a product called ‘other than standard orange wine’ (OTSOW) to every major bottler in the United States and throughout the World that is used as an ingredient in liqueurs and cordials. Florida Distillers is one of the largest contract spirits packaging facilities in the United States, with current annual capacity of 8-Million Cases. Florida Distillers has well established relationships with major suppliers world-wide. Our flexibility and contacts allows us to provide turn key packaging solutions for startups, entrepreneurs and companies who need assistance getting their products to market with efficient and competitive results.


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425 Recker Hwy, Auburndale, FL, US, 33823 Email:
Phone: 863-967-4481 Web:
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