
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Lake Effect Brewing Company

Lake Effect Brewing Company Clint fell in love with beer after he drank a dunkel weisse in Bavaria while tagging along with his father on a business trip. Since this defining moment, the search, enjoyment, and ultimately the creation of great beer became a focus in his life. Shortly after making his first few kit batches, Clint launched into advanced home brewing to produce several varieties of classic beer, including Belgian, German, English, and many hybrid beers. His beers attracted a following from local beer enthusiasts who became regulars at his local beer gatherings and special tapping events. After a few years, he found himself in a situation where his home brew operation could grow no larger and he could no longer keep up with local demand. Throughout this beer adventure, a wonderful and patient woman encouraged him to develop his passion and to consider moving the operation to another location. Clint persuaded Lynn, his longtime brewing buddy, to rent a warehouse to expand the operation into a small operating brewery, henceforth named Lake Effect Brewing Company.


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4727 W Montrose Avenue, Chicago, IL, US, 60641 Email:
Phone: 312-919-4473 Web:
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